Dear Congregation,
Before this very update, one might say our capital campaign slogan might have been “No news is good news”; that is, you’ve not heard very much news, but the good news is that despite this lack of information:
- You have kindly given up to 34% of our phase 1 goal.
- A number of projects have been completed (Roof (Paid back portion), One (of many) A/C Units Replaced, Refinished the floors but still have more to do, Upgraded lighting but still have more to complete, Major plumbing repairs in lower level, Volunteer painting).
- With this update, the Restore God’s House Capital Campaign is alive and well!!
In phase one, we as a congregation, identified over 70 items that needed attention. And while some projects have completed, in our campaign process of Renovate, Rejoice, Repeat, we’re still in the “Raise/Renovate” stage.
The future of this everlasting campaign will involve all of us as a church body. We encourage each of you to consider your time, talent, and treasure that will help us Restore God’s House. Here are some suggestions:
- Help assess church needs and relay them to the committee (or our church secretary).
- Organize house meetings for the awareness of the Capital Campaign
- Help organize meetings to perform DIY Projects.
- Help reduce costs by applying your talents (electrical, plumbing, technology etc) to any of the identified projects.
- Write a check to the church with “Restore God’s House Capital Campaign” in the memo.
- Setup regular giving through your bank/financial institution.
- Donate electronically using one of the several approved means. Be sure to let the church secretary know any specific donations are for the capital campaign.
- PayPal Giving Fund (no fees) https://www.paypal.com/us/fundraiser/charity/3122728
- Use the Facebook Donate button on our page (nominal fee) https://www.facebook.com/CharlesTownPresbyterian/
- Presbyterian Foundation (nominal fee which goes to the Foundation and allows regular contributions)
- There are more sophisticated giving approaches that involve your other accounts (retirements etc), but you should consult your Financial Advisor before making any contributions. (More details will be provided in the future, or contact our Committee Chairs for more information.)
Your Capital Campaign Committee Co-Chairs:
Roger Snook, RogerCSnook@gmail.com Christian Pechuekonis, pechuekonis@gmail.com
and Campaign Members: Matthew Henshaw, Margaret Kursey, Gordon Myers, Diane Mayhew, John Bethard.