CTPress July 1, 2016

It’s officially July!

By the time you read this online, our youth mission team will be on their way home! They have spent the week helping people affected by the floods, and doing some tutoring and working with children. Later this summer we will hear about their experience, and when those details are firmed up, we will let the congregation know.

Our next big event is Vacation Bible School. July 10-14 we will be hosting our annual outreach to children. This year there will be a special track for parents who want to learn more about what their children are learning, and some hands on parenting tools will be discussed. This year there seems to be more buzz than usual about Vacation Bible School. There is more detailed information in the newsletter about VBS.

Our final big moment for July will be Sunday, July 24. One of our missionaries, Drake Williams, will be with us, along with his family. There will be a combined Sunday School class in the fellowship hall that morning, with Drake leading a class beginning at 9:15. Drake will also be preaching during worship that morning. Drake is a professor at Tyndale Seminary in the Netherlands, and he helps prepare men and women for ministry in Europe, Africa, and Asia.

July is a busy month for Charles Town Presbyterian Church. I invite you to join me in prayer as we work together in our continued mission to Know Christ, Grow in God’s love, and serve as the Holy Spirit leads.


Pastor John