Tomorrow, June 18, we have a big day in the life of our congregation. Downtown Charles Town will be celebrating its WV heritage with a day of activities and street vendors. Our VBS team will be present at this event, handing out information about Vacation Bible School, the church, the Yokefellows barbecue, and the bell concert.
Throughout the day, the Yokefellows will be making available a barbecue dinner. If you’ve been to other Yokefellow events, you know that the food is spectacular, and the fellowship is incredible. In the evening, at 7pm, the Geneva Ringers Bell Choir will be putting on a bell concert for the community.
Friends, this is how we grow the church!
For some time, many of the church leaders, myself included, have been concerned about growing the church. Tomorrow is a day filled with opportunities for us. All any of us needs to do is to invite people. The people working downtown will need help handing out literature and telling people about the church. If you can help out, even for a little bit, let Molly Rogers know. Her email is Bring a friend to lunch (and may-
be even pay for them!) or dinner sponsored by the Yokefellows. What a wonderful way to introduce people to our congregation. Bring a friend or two to hear the Geneva ringers in what will be, I am sure, an excellent musical event!
Church growth does not happen by accident. The days of opening the doors and expecting people to come in are long gone. We have to invite people and make them feel welcome.
Tomorrow is a great opportunity for every one of us to do something for the gospel and for our congregation. Extend an invitation, and pray for God to work!
Pastor John